So this past weekend was Micco's yearly vet visit. He was also having some ear issues so we figured we'd hit it all at once. We've been using Ohio State as our vet for awhile now - and we are really happy with them - however I think they cost a *little* bit more than your average vet. I'm glad to support them though - and they provide top notch care. They are also an emergency clinic and it's been my experience that you get faster service there for your dog than you do in a human ER!
They are a teaching clinic so the first person you see if a senior student. He or she usually spends about 20 minutes with us asking questions, gathering info, etc. They then take the dog to the back where they do a thorough exam and are supervised by a managing vet (who is already graduted, been working for awhile).
Now given that some of these students are fairly young and inexperienced I am always afraid that my dogs are going to take advantage of the situation. My boys know when I mean business and can be well behaved but they can sniff out someone who is "soft" faster than they can sniff out bacon :) I have images in my head of these students flying around the back with Micco attached to the front of the leash having the time of his life.
I guess on Saturday he decided to give them a reprieve because they brought him back out to us and the student didn't look any worse for wear :) I think they may have bribed him with treats and peanut butter....
So after that the student explains how the exam went, what shots they gave, test results, etc. Micco got a clean bill of health - except for his ears - which tested positive for an infection. He had also gotten an infection on the sides of his mouth. The vet explained that this could be from rubbing his ears and then getting the infection where he was rubbing...
So we were sent home with ear cleaner, ear drops, and an antibacterial spray for the sides of his mouth. Now this brings us to the new challenge; cleaning the ears, applying the drop and then spraying the sides of his mouth. As you can imagine - this is lots of fun. He currently isn't speaking to me - all I have to do it pick up the ear cleaner and he takes off......
So quite a bit of $$$ later we have a doggie who is petty ticked off - but his ears are looking much better and all of his shots are up to date! It's a good thing he is cute and worth it- because that $$$ could have bought me a few nice pairs of shoes or a new Coach purse :)
Kylo Ren Breaks the Ice
4 years ago