Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I'm still alive :)

I knew it had been awhile since I'd blogged - but I didn't realize until I just logged in that it had been almost 3 months!! I guess nothing "blog worthy" has gone on. Work has been busy, doggies are doing good, and Keith is getting pretty close to graduating!!

The biggest news I've got is that I booked plane tickets to Las Vegas for next month. We have been wanting to go - but plane tickets were $$$$ - more than I was willing to pay! Last week I got an email about an unadvertised sale and jumped on it. We don't really gamble - but this is just one of those places that we want to see! Now that plane tickets are taken care of I'm trying to decide which hotel we are staying in...........I'll keep you posted!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

I haven't blogged in awhile and with today being a "holiday" - I figured it's a good day to write something! Tomorrow is also a day off work - so I'm not rushing around to make sure I have clean clothes, all my work packed up, etc.!

We had a pretty low key day today! We did a little shopping last night and ate out -but no huge plans. Keith got me a very nice bead to add to my Pandora bracelet! He did a very good job at picking it out :) I didn't get him a present as his birthday is in a couple weeks and he has his eye on a Playstation 3. We usually don't spend that much on birthdays - so we'll combine it with Valentine's Day this year :)

The only exciting thing we have going on now is we are camper shopping! We went to Kansas City for a long weekend in January and our oldest doggie Chewie made us feel HORRIBLE for leaving him at the kennel! I know he is well taken care of there - but he just didn't want to stay. We like to travel WAY too much to give it up - so the best solution we can come up with is a camper! This way we can still travel - AND take the dogs with us. We are not "camping" people - so this should be interesting to say the least. We have narrowed our choice down to a few, but we also need to find a tow vehicle. This is an interesting search because we want something that won't cost a small fortune in gas! Keith and I also have different "opinions" on what the best option would be ;)

Hopefully soon I'll have pictures to share because have made a decision and actually made a purchase!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Castaway Cay!!

After our day in the Nassau we spent a day at Disney's private Island (which is also in the Bahamas). Disney purchased and then renovated this whole island so the only people there are employees and the folks on your boat. Although we enjoyed the whole cruise - this alone made the trip worth it!!

Once you got off the boat they had trams that shuttled you to the various beaches/locations.

I didn't take any photos - but once you got of the first tram there was - a gift shop :) Disney wouldn't be complete without this! After the gift shop came the busiest area - the family beach. The family beach also had a kids play area out in the water - very cool. Rumor is they are adding a slide that will also be out in the water. Guess we'll have to take another cruise to check that out ;)

There were also several other things located near the family beach: a bar, place to eat (all food on the island was included in the cruise price), a DJ with many crazy kids "dancing", and more that I'm sure I didn't notice :)

I didn't notice because we were busy looking for the adults-only beach. Don't get me wrong I love kids - but them squealing and splashing and such isn't really my idea of a relaxing beach day.

The quiet adult beach.

The chair where I spent most of my day - enjoying a novel (that was of no educational value - but entertaining).

The cruise boat from the beach. The "pirate" ship you see is actually one of the sets from the Pirates of the Carribean movie!

A few various photos of the island:

Pulling away from the island :( I think a cruise that *just* went here would be GREAT! Disney actually has one that goes on 2 days (instead of just 1) - which I think I need to look into!