So I haven't been around in awhile - there hasn't really been anything exciting going on to blog about! Keith is in his 7th week of the quarter so he is buried in homework and studying. That leaves me a lot of time to fill with not a lot going on. Work has slowed down considerably. I just finished up a pretty big project and am now working on a smaller piece that isn't taking nearly as much energy or time. I actually prefer to be busy...the work day goes much faster that way!
The doggies are doing well. We got another 3 inches of snow this past weekend so they have been romping in it as often as they can. We did have our first "dog-fight" related injury. When I say dog-fight I really mean serious playing - but it certainly sounds and looks like a fight :) They were playing with a stick - doing the usual tug of war. Then Chewie decided he was sick of that and just bit Micco. I guess his theory was biting Micco = he'll drop the stick = I can have the stick without having to fight for it.
Now don't get me wrong Chewie biting Micco is NOT a new thing (and vice versa)- he just happened to draw blood this time. And it isn't a viscous attack type of bite - its more of a grabbing him to get his attention - I'm guessing he happened to scrape the skin because there wasn't much blood. Micco has VERY thick skin and probably didn't even notice there was blood - but he is a sensitive guy and his feelings were VERY hurt. He idolizes Chewie and I'm guessing he was SHOCKED that his idol would be so "mean" to him. Micco sulked for a good hour after this incident. I'm not sure Chewie noticed - as he was just enjoying the quiet time :)
I really need to get some video of them "playing" - its good for a laugh any day! They keep us entertained a lot with their growling/gnashing of teeth/sneezing because they had their mouths open too wide for the aforementioned gnashing of teeth.
I grew up in a strictly 1-dog household - so all of this playing is new to me and my parents. The boys seem to sense this so they do their best playing at my parents house where my Mom can freak out that they are killing each other.....
Kylo Ren Breaks the Ice
5 years ago
Cute..I liked that he sulked.
ReplyDeleteJust like toddlers! :)