Thursday, April 9, 2009


So I am - by nature - a pretty anxious person. Most people have told me that I do a good job at hiding it; but still it always lingers right under the surface. Now my anxiety isn't at a "white padded room" or "medication" level - but it still affects my daily life. What makes me so mad about this is that I really don't have anything to be anxious about! My life is good, my family and friends all healthy, and my job secure (or as secure as one can be right now).

So what I am anxious about then? Stupid, unimportant things that end up being NOTHING. Take last night for example - the stress was over a car rental of all things. We are going on a vacation in June and I can't find a car rental at a decent price. I spent hours online yesterday and I'm still worrying about it today!

I know everyone has a certain level of stress and anxiety so I'm sure I'm not all that unusual. Maybe a new hobby would help......


  1. You can't be bored of the Cricut already! :) And some people are just natural worriers. I can relate!

  2. Hang in there...If you didn't have anything to worry would worry over that. There is nothing wrong with being anxious..haha!
