I read the book many months ago - but couldn't bring myself to go see the movie in the theater. I knew from the ending of the book that tears would definitely be involved and I really didn't want that to be a public event....
SO I finally broke down and bought the DVD last week and just got around to watching it a few days ago. In all honestly I really wasn't that impressed. Something about it just didn't "click" with me.
One of the lines in the movie has really stuck with me though - even days later. Mom has had her fill of a new baby, a toddler, and an overactive puppy -so she spouts off "Get rid of him - he's just a dog. People do it all the time." The movie goes on and of course that isn't what happens but I still couldn't let that go. I think what bothers me the most is people in fact do this all the time and don't think twice about it.
I can't even begin to understand this thinking. I fully understand that not everyone loves animals as much as I do - and I respect that. I however can't respect people who get pets without thinking about the commitment they should be making. A dog/cat/bunny/etc. isn't a disposable item that one gets and get "rid of on a whim". They are living breathing creatures who deserve better treatment than that! I especially hate to see all the bunnies and chicks out this time of year. They are cute and fuzzy now - but in a few weeks where will they be?
I know I'm probably preaching to the choir here - as most people who read my blog are animals lovers themselves. However I do hope this movie has made the general public stop and think about what they could be getting themselves into with a cute fuzzy puppy. Take my Micco for example - he is a Marley through and through. He has a zest for life that is unmatchable and watch out if you get in his way :)
Easter is around the corner and I just found the dog's bunny ears from last year - look for pictures soon!
Amen sister!